Reclaim Golf

by Michael Taylor

Reclaim Golf, integrated crusher and injection moulding machine

Final design, golf club, golf balls, moulds and final tees

Donated and found golf balls are crushed using a hydraulic press

The golf balls are then shredded into small ‘chips’ using the same hydraulic press

Project Description

The multiple plastics that go into the manufacturing of a golf ball means they are unable to be recycled. ‘Reclaim Golf’ is a series of machines and systems with a goal of reducing golf related waste. Balls are crushed, shredded and moulded into new products, giving them new life and rewarding users for recycling.

Similar to the Precious Plastic model, the ‘chips’ are then injection moulded

Golf tees are produced out of golf balls using 3D printed nylon moulds


My design roots lie in my desire to understand the inner workings of everyday products and the process of idea-to-product completion. Design to me is an exploration of human interaction with the physical world. As a designer, I enjoy creating and influencing a user’s interaction with the things around them. My passion for design lies within various disciplines, with a particular interest in User Centred Design, UX and Industrial Design. I am most passionate about sustainable design practices ,with an affection for contemporary, minimalistic aesthetics and material exploration. I specialise in handheld products and systems design; however, I desire to work across an extremely wide range of disciplines, experiencing all the world of design has to offer.

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