Conscious Wearable
by Ramona Chounlamountry
Conscious Wearable: Developing better gaming habits
Project Description
Video game addiction causes players to experience problematic health consequences in the long term. Through research, it was noticed that players sat stationary for hours on end and were slouching constantly. Conscious Wearable is a device that addresses video game addiction and aims to help players change their behaviours to improve their health. Worn on the neck, Conscious Wearable aids players to improve their posture when sitting and take more breaks from the screen.
Conscious Wearable offers to help players by including self-regulation as part of the experience. By changing their user behaviour and forming better habits, players will enjoy improved overall health. Through integrated motion sensors, a vibration motor and speakers, the device enables players to become more conscious of their behaviour and actively improve their bodily habits that cause adverse health consequences. Conscious Wearable provides vibration feedback to poor posture during the gaming experience and alerts the user when it is time to take a break from the screen.
In-use scenario shot
Top-view shot showing scale
In-context rendering of Conscious Wearable on a desk
Ramona is a product designer who is highly motivated to provide positive designs to enhance user experiences in a variety of ways. She enjoys designing for people and is inspired to create function in simple designs that have an impact on everyday life. Her approach to design is primarily to observe the world and take a wider perspective on solving solutions that are varied in many ways.
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