“Misty” Portable Nebuliser
by Jung Hyun Pang
Project Description
Misty nebuliser is a portable nebuliser that supports the non-contact medical system's treatment method. The design of the nebuliser is focused on the practicality and user-centred aspects, and takes account of the users’ behaviour when using the medical device. For the innovation of aesthetic elements, the nebulizer prioritised a non-clinical yet reliable design.
Non-contact medical systems, such as Telehealth, showed potential effectiveness during COVID-19. However, the treatment method which non-contact mainly provides is limited to prescribing pills. Misty nebuliser is a suggestion for a personal medical device that could enrich the treatment methods of the non-contact medical system. A medical device that is an everyday object needs to be portable, which involves components such as mouth tip, buttons, and size. Misty nebuliser can hold up to three different cartridges for multiple symptoms, and also could be switchable to prevent adverse drug reactions. The design of the Misty nebuliser aims to change the stereotype of medical devices, yet be reliable. These aspects of the Misty nebuliser enhance the reliability of the non-contact medical system for users and encourages users to manage their illness effectively.
I am a creative designer, who loves to blend in with teams. I specialise in designing and developing user interfaces and digital products. I use a very hands-on approach in prototyping to create models that suit the user's needs. I had a lot of influence from my father, an interior designer, who thinks the user is the most important aspect of design. I also hope my designs can satisfy the majority of users, rather than be the exclusive possession of a few. My approach towards design is based on research so that the design process provides tangible and real-world solutions. I believe design is a medium for positive change, which impacts millions.
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