‘Quiet’ – A portable Environment
by Sarah Goddard
The design concept ‘Quiet’ presented in use within a study context.
Project Description
‘Quiet’ aims to ease the symptoms of light and sound sensitivity in the hours when a migraine is coming on, to minimise daily impacts on migraine sufferers. This is done using sound-dampening material and ‘shading’ from light sources in the existing environment. The shelter comprises a series of 8 interchangeable triangle panels, fixed together by removable hinges with minimal tolerance. The ability to collapse and unfold the panels allows for portability so that it can be set up anywhere. ‘Quiet’ is attached using aluminium clamps that can be hand bent to fit a variety of surfaces, such as desks, tables and other productive space. The modern portable design allows it to fit into contexts such as libraries and office spaces. The conceptual design would be purchased flat-packed, and the consumer would choose each piece. Each module uses a clamp and removable snap-fit that allows the material to be switched depending on user needs, and modules can be removed depending on the size of the space. Materials that can be chosen include acoustic foam, felts, and acoustic fabric. This allows for the ‘Quiet’ to be highly personalised on both a functional and aesthetic level.
Top view demonstrating how the modules fit together
Exploded view of a module
Close up of the clamp design in use
Various configurations of ‘Quiet’ using proposed materials and colours.
Hi, I'm Sarah, a hard-working product designer who enjoys problem-solving and collaborative work. I have a strong collaborative design approach and specialise in research and user interaction through interviews and primary research. I am inquisitive and have a love for new experiences, and I enjoy meeting and talking to new people. I have strong skills in user-centred design, CAD modelling, and visually communicating my concepts. I thoroughly enjoy designs that challenge my skill and help me learn new ones. I draw inspiration from artists and other designers and their philosophies and uniquely individual approaches to design.
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