Esky Table
by Jacob Gibson
Beach Use Scenario
Project Description
Throughout the past few years there has been a steady decline in people experiencing the great outdoors, with travel restricted both interstate and internationally. Sharing this experience with friends and family over food and beverages is a staple of Australian culture. A common problem is the equipment needed to facilitate this; often food is prepared on an Esky lid and held in the hands or placed on the ground.
My product operates as both a table and an esky in a self-contained design with no need for extra parts or extra effort. I envision my product will be used in campsites, beaches, and in backyards. In all these environments, rubbish has to be disposed of after eating and preparing food, which creates issues with ecosystems and nature. My product has storage bins that with 18L of bin capacity in the individual bin. A bright design helps users to identify and remember that they should be disposing of rubbish correctly. The functional design of my products allows for ample storage space with an ample area for food preparation. The table allows users to keep their food off the ground and clean as well as providing a stable surface to put drinks on.
The Esky Table provides a consumer with an easy-to-use, functional camping and outdoor tool that offers a means of keeping the environment clean and also promotes healthy social habits for users.
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My name is Jacob; Iām a passionate product designer who loves solving problems and reimagining products. I have a focus around user experience and exploring aesthetics and ergonomics, with an interest in the field of outdoor lifestyle and sporting products. I thoroughly enjoy exploring future technologies with a potential to impact the design world.
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