Recycling Mismanagement: A Public Educational Campaign
by Nicholas Jones
Attracting a crowd at an event as they line up to play and learn about recycling
Project Description
The lack of recycling is a serious concern in our communities, increasing the already rapid global warming. It is vital we do all we can to keep as much plastic out of landfill as possible. For many reasons, people do not recycle at the rate essential for our environment. For many, the lack of knowledge and understanding is a large contributor that leads to their lack of engagement. This is the issue I attempted to solve by creating an educational event and installation piece, using strategies of gamification to be engaging and interesting, while educating the observer about important recycling practices. The assemblage can be easily moved to any event with trailer hook up. Bright colours and friendly staff welcome all on-lookers to become involved with the display. The onlooker puts their bottle cap into the game, and it travels up the elevator to the top. They use the controls to navigate the obstacles, select the correct waste bin, and finally drop the cap into the garbage truck. All while they are walked through the importance of recycling to our communities. If they are successful, the lights flash green, and they are given a reusable Cool Ridge water bottle and invited to do further readings on the alternative side. By engaging, they learn about the proper recycling practices within their community, and will tell others about their experiences. Further details of the process including an animation of the system in action are in my portfolio.
Details breakdown of the system
Backside storage
Motivated, diligent, and a conscientious worker, Nick has strong communication skills in verbal, drawn, and written media. He is highly organised and reliable, ensuring professionalism in all work with strong time management skills. Every work is guaranteed to be completed on time to the highest of standards. This is evident throughout his portfolio, which highlights the varied products created, using a wide array of techniques and expertise to solve any possible brief. Nick has a diverse skillset from CAD Modelling and 3D printing to coding and wiring. He is constantly learning, adapting and developing his craft to ensure the work is at its peak.
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