ConeAlign Pro

by Lucas Mazereeuw

ConeAlign Pro

Project Description

The ConeAlign Pro is a hand held device which assists the user in marking out and laying down neatly aligned cones for drills in their training sessions.

It aims to improve the quality of training through more accurately placed cones, whilst reducing the time the users would usually spend marking out and aligning the cones manually.

The user can attach the ConeAlign to a stack of cones so that they can easily carry it with them as they set up a drill. The ConeAlign will display a compass-like interface with a pointer which shows the direction the user is facing and which the user can line up with the compass lines to ensure they are moving in straight lines. It also detects the distance travelled by the user and notifies them via a tactile buzz every two metres to inform them how far they have walked. Additionally, the ConeAlign can display layouts of various preset drills and cone layouts which the user can set on the companion app.

ConeAlign Pro sensors

ConeAlign Pro held by the user

ConeAlign Pro in context


Lucas is an industrial designer competent in creating highly functional and intuitive products that centre around the user’s needs. He believes in developing sustainable products that are thoroughly refined and informed by user and contextual research every step of the way. Throughout his design experience, he has developed numerous projects varying from stationary devices to wearables. Lucas is extremely proficient in various CAD software with experience creating highly technical 3D models and complex surfacing.

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