Polypod: Expandable Design-based STEM toy
by Bryan Lim
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Science Technology Engineering Mathematics (STEM) toys often encapsulate hands-on learning pedagogy to teach new cognitive processes of problem-solving, systems thinking and technological fluency. Polypod’s modular construction and designed form encourage design thinking in a holistic, creative approach involving chaotic prototype iterations and experimentation. In addition, the polypod’s design also incorporates high user attachment achieved through the Polypod’s expandability and organic, emotional design. Integrating modular construction opens unlimited creative potential for adapting to the user's skills, with opportunities for reform-ability using 3D printing technologies. Each modular arrangement presents an organic, aesthetically finished form with computational and mechatronic implementation. It redefines modular STEM toys to disregard structural engineering forms and embrace the experience of bringing to life a user-designed creature, rather than a robot.
“Polypod’s modular construction and designed form encourage design thinking in a holistic, creative approach involving chaotic prototype iterations and experimentation. ”
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Design Intent
STEM is a classification of a group of academic disciplines of science, technology, engineering and maths. The term is used as an approach to learning and development in the logical and problem-solving space. STEM is a major focus in the workforce environments and school curricula; thus, educational initiatives and efforts are focused on “strengthening the foundation for greater participation and engagement, and ultimately better learning outcomes in STEM subjects” (Birmingham, 2017). Specifically, three-quarters of the fastest-growing occupations in Australia require STEM skills (Birmingham, 2017). Hence, toys are now incorporating STEM elements. This research first focuses on incorporating STEM elements in the design.
The core idea of this study explores the design opportunity that encourages interdisciplinary play and learning by facilitating the development of STEM skills and design. While STEM toys help children develop logical problem skills, they lack a holistic, creative approach and freedom in construction. In particular, play that encourages creative exploration and design thinking helps the children to imagine freely and not be confined by a logical engineering approach. In this project, the user aims to ‘bring to life’ a self-visualised creature with an aesthetic finish as a major focus. This, in itself, defines the proposed concept as an interdisciplinary design/STEM toy.
Another unique offering of this toy is the incorporation of long-term user attachment. To do this, this toy encourages the user to further imagine and expand the design by appending new parts to create their own new toy. This requires research and design considerations such as skill adaptation, electronic integration in toys, stimulation of creativity and imagination, constructionist philosophy, symbolic play, cognitive benefits of STEM learning, and gender packaging in STEM toys. This research is founded on the principle of design practice and secondary research. The design practice is focused on ideation and prototyping while the secondary research focuses on the need for the product and the opportunity it affords, as well as its significance. This involves artefact analysis of existing STEM toys on the market. In the design practice, experimentation with form/aesthetic and mechanical functions was employed, and insights from the iterative experiments helped to further develop and refine the project. Both methods help to triangulate and facilitate the iterative research, design methodologies and design practice process.
“While STEM toys help children develop logical problem skills, they lack a holistic, creative approach and freedom in construction.”
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Bryan’s philosophy uses design as a contemporary expression to apply artistic form to function while incorporating a holistic design approach. He’s unafraid to explore the unconventional while rethinking the problem space and reforming it innovatively. This is achieved through a drawn focus on ideating concept creation in rapid sketching and a highly experienced skillset in CAD modelling, Adobe suite and digital rendering. Aesthetic choices revolve around the organic and contemporary, creating designs that radiate their presence and unleash particular personalities. He enjoys integrating an engineering and coding perspective in his design, with projects involving mechatronics and electronic software and hardware. Bryan’s strengths in employing design practice-focused research with constant experimentation and prototyping ensure that the the best possible outcome is achieved. He’s passionate about hands-on creation and sketching with the utmost clarity in visual communication and confidence in presentation pitches. Being in a current environmental crisis, Bryan prioritises sustainable considerations for the betterment of humanity and our planet.
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Copyright UTS Product Design 2020