Prospect One
by Thomas Cole
Project Description
The Prospect One shoe is a footwear product designed around sustainable recovery within the foot, ankle and lower leg post-exercise. The footwear product targets athletes and is designed for athletes who strive for something more than just a pair of slides after their athletic activities. The footwear is customisable, meaning there are no barriers as to who can wear the product. The post-workout recovery footwear industry lacks products that can support the diverse needs of athletes and often falls short of the necessary requirements for the athlete’s physical longevity and rehabilitation.
Every aspect of the shoe, from the cage wrapping the top of the foot to the midsole containing the lattice allows for individual users to find the best fit for them. The Prospect One aims to satisy the needs of athletes for footwear after exercise that provides a comfortable and breathable solution while stimulating recovery. Current products do not allow for all factors within post-exercise recovery, such as breathability, comfort for the user, ease of putting on and taking off, stimulating blood flow, reducing swelling within the affected areas of the foot, creating stability for the user, not lifting off the user’s foot, customisable to the user’s measurements, and produced in one material. The Prospect One adheres to each of these factors that is lacking within the current footwear design space. The one-material product fills the current gap within that market in which the user can customise a pair of footwear that supplies the needs of the recovery process post-exercise.
I am a passionate industrial designer focused upon solving problems and creating products that address the current market through a holistic approach. Having studied industrial design alongside creative intelligence and innovation, I have been able to equip myself with a transdisciplinary framework thinking that enables my ability to apply new methodologies and design skills to every project I am involved with. I am enthusiastic about footwear design and driven by my desire to elevate the quality of product that is accessible to consumers in our lifetime. I seek to understand people’s wants and needs for products. Generating excitement about products and truly enriching users’ lives through the experience of using the product is what dictates how well someone can design.
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