Project Title (3 image)
by Lisa Cao
Tasker Lamp
Project Description
The Tasker Lamp aims to help individuals that struggle to focus on the tasks that require them to sit down and focus at their desks. Maintaining focus at home is not an easy task for everybody, especially during the rise of the work-from-home paradigm. This lamp aims to help across the spectrum, from students to office workers. The lamp helps you visually track the tasks of your daily schedule. The user will write the top tasks that need to be done on the clear side, and once completed, you can rotate the cover to reveal a coloured side that visually tracks your tasks. The user is prompted to interact and utilise the tasker lamp as more than a table lamp. The covers that slip on and off the lamp are fastened with magnets, giving a tactile and customisable nature to the tasker lamp. By creating a tactile and visual representation of the to-do list, this product aims to boost the productivity of users.
Customisable Colours
Fusce vel justo ac lectus luctus finibus non nec eros. Duis arcu justo, euismod ut turpis a, tempus feugiat mi. Integer consectetur, velit in commodo venenatis, velit felis pharetra magna, a elementum lacus nulla eu arcu. Duis tempus elit eros, id scelerisque enim efficitur sit amet. Nulla mattis neque ac sem gravida blandit et quis ipsum. Mauris tincidunt lacus est, at placerat urna posuere sed. Nunc in elementum augue. In in libero aliquam, vehicula nisl sed, tempus ipsum. Nullam tellus neque, imperdiet ut accumsan et, sagittis eget massa. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Nam mi libero, condimentum sit amet mollis vitae, tincidunt eu erat. Quisque malesuada dui id scelerisque molestie.
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