by Xavier Horsley
Artus in scale
Project Description
Artus is a project that re-contextualises our understanding of public art and its interaction with our environments. Inspired largely by the COVID pandemic, Artus provides a new, innovative tool of exhibition for institutions and cities. With the mass closure of galleries worldwide, and Australian artists alone losing tens of millions of dollars (as a result of the pandemic), there is a need for new ways of exhibition, ones that are safe and secure. This responds to the heightened interest that people have developed in the past two years in using the public spaces within our cities and towns for connection and recreation.
Artus shifts the traditional gallery setting into the outside world, contrasting the conventional exhibition space with possibilities for inspiring new interactions among individuals and their public spaces. Artus is a tool for institutions and artists to display their work, safely and securely, in a new environment. The unit itself is constructed with a mix of stainless steel and aluminium, incorporating features such as interior lighting (powered by mono-crystalline solar panels located on the product’s roof) making the unit completely self-sufficient and self-powered, as well as a hanging system, allowing the users to display canvas art in a customisable way. Completely weatherproof, the unit adequately protects its contents, also combining security glass and newly designed security bolts.
Example of contextual use in Martin Place
Partially dissembled view
Exploded view
Product lighting and hanging system
I’m a twenty-two year old designer from Sydney. My passion for design began at a young age and continues to grow. I’m fascinated by problems, and how, as a product designer, I can overcome them. I strive to design innovative products, utilising my skills in computer design, sketching, and workshop manufacturing to create beautiful and functional products for this ever-changing world. I’m extremely energetic, passionate and proactive, and incredibly eager to continue my development as a designer, drawing constant inspiration from the world around me, near and far.
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Copyright UTS Product Design 2020