by Lin Na
A photograph of the SmartBall in use along with the companion app
Project Description
The SmartBall is designed to prompt and remind the user to complete the task they have designated on the SmartBall app. Over the years, procrastination continues to increase as the proliferation of technology and social media lure and tempt unsuspecting victims. Hence, research into this psychological phenomenon and design for behavioural change has brought about the SmartBall —a user-centred product aimed to help improve productivity and assist the user in developing task management skills.
The user begins with setting the day's tasks on the app, where they can customise the time duration and name. The Smartball turns green when placed on the correct base, where it will slowly glow brighter as the task progresses. However, if removed off the base, it will turn red, to alert and remind the user to return to the task. Additionally, a live progress feature on the app shows the task progression on the day as a source of motivation.
The app interface
The ball is green when it sits on the correct base
The ball is red when removed
A birds eye view of the home circuit
Lina focuses on bringing a meaningful experience to users through intuitive and innovative designs. She aims to bring life to concepts through her utilisation of 3D modelling software and Adobe programs. Her recent studies in her major work have led her to discover the delights of behavioural change design.
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