Individualized Passive Temperature Management (IPTM) Ice Energy
by Ben Cook
The pot design has a simple aesthetic to suit its surroundings.
Designed to sit on a desk in an unobtrusive way.
A sectional view of the pot. Hot air is drawn in from the base, becoming cold because of the copper pipe’s interaction with the soil, and then becoming cool.
Detail view of the air nozzles. The intention is to make the plant move via creation of an artificial breeze, as air is drawn up through the base and out of the nozzles.
Project Description
Ice energy or Individualized Passive Temperature Management (IPTM) is derived from Passive Temperature Management (PTM), these are large structures that exist in and around housing. These systems range from simple double layer brick walls to complex geothermal piping. The IPTM product, is a device that miniaturizes a geothermal passive system. The simple method of miniaturising these devices means that individuals who rent, or the growing number of people who live in high-rise dwellings have the chance to reduce their energy costs via an eco-friendly system. The small form factor system comes in a range of different configurations with each having specific uses around the household. The product is built using a terracotta pot, copper piping and a 3D printed base. These materials can be sourced locally and means that the system is inexpensive to produce and could be introduced into pre-existing supply chains.
Overall, the IPTM product is a simple method to cool small areas, it uses thermal conductivity that does not require power. In conjunction, the use of natural aesthetics in the design of the pot, intends to help provide a closer connection to nature. The project concluded with testing of prototypes which were proven successful.
The hexagonal from is another option. This pot was meant to be modular to make more of a visual impact in a room.
A collection of pots would magnify their cooling effect within a room. They also become a centre piece.
Benjamin Cook enjoys developing simple methodologies and concepts to manage large-scale community-based projects by creating product eco-systems and individualized products. His examples of working with communities include ski instructing, digital-based campaign design and internet provider systems. Ben designs devices to improve existing manufacturing issues and uses sustainable techniques to impact his environment significantly. Ben enjoys focusing on the UI/UX design aspect and aims to explore the user’s interaction with the entire process. Leading Ben to develop products that think outside the box, providing a new and advantageous philosophy in his design technique.
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